ATA Action PAC


As part of our commitment to advancing telehealth, the ATA Action PAC focuses on advocating for policies that enhance the accessibility and quality of telemedicine services. Our goal is to influence legislation that supports innovation and removes barriers to digital health, ensuring that everyone can benefit from modern healthcare solutions. Explore the information below to learn more about our initiatives and the impact of our advocacy efforts. Thank you for being part of our mission to transform healthcare through telehealth.



What is the ATA Action PAC? .

The ATA Action Political Action Committee (PAC) is a key initiative of ATA Action, the advocacy arm of the American Telemedicine Association. The PAC provides a structured avenue for telehealth allies to participate in the political process, supporting candidates whose work will have a positive impact on virtual care policy across the United States.

    How will the PAC decide who to support?

    The PAC will build relationships with candidates who understand and support telehealth. The PAC Executive Committee, which is comprised of ATA Action Advocacy Council members, is responsible for identifying candidates to support.  Contribution decisions are based on various factors, including whether a candidate resides in a state where ATA Action members have facilities or employees, whether the candidate holds a leadership position or a seat on a relevant committee or caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives or Senate, and other factors deemed important by the PAC.

      Learn more about PAC Contributions

      The Federal Election Commission (FEC) oversees PACs and has strict donation and reporting requirements. ATA Action is committed to adhering to these regulations to ensure that your donations are handled legally and ethically.

      From whom can the PAC accept contributions?

      The PAC may accept contributions from any person permitted by law, including political action committees sponsored by members or affiliates of ATA Action, executives, board members, exempt employees, and their families. The PAC shall not accept contributions known by it to be from a corporation, labor organization, foreign national, federal contractor, or in the name of a person not actually making the contribution, or in excess of contribution limits, or in any other way not permitted by law.

      Additional Information

      The PAC shall only make contributions to incumbent federal candidates and/or political committees of incumbent members of Congress that are running for election to the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate. The PAC shall not make contributions to presidential candidates or candidates seeking state or local offices. Contributions must be voluntary and not coerced. The PAC will not accept contributions known to be paid through a bonus, expense account, or other forms of direct or indirect compensation.

      For more detailed information and guidelines, please refer to the PAC Bylaws or contact Tom Mann (